Monday, June 30, 2008

The Road to Heckling is Paved with Good Intentions

Any good campaign has a strong message. Most of us only remember TV ads that are funny- let's throw caution to the wind and go for the easily-entertained demographic. Here are some (very rejected) campaign slogan ideas from myself and others:

Strama Marks the Spot

Mark Strama: Not Patrick Rose

Marack Ostrama 2008

A Rose By Any Other Name Would Look Like Strama

Victoria's Dad In '08

Do You Wanna Strama Strama? Vote Mark in '08!

Holy Markeral! Strama's a Catch for State Rep!

No Marketing: Strama's a Straight Shooter

No Drama with Strama: Mark Represents ALL of District 50!

Feel free to post your own!

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