It turns out that there's a little get-together called Netroots Nation going on this weekend, and a few of us at the Campaign Academy were sent over to entreat the bloggers, advocacy groups, and assorted political junkies to accept our "Turn Texas Blue" stickers
I fixed my hair ninety-seven times before I would agree to get out of the car.
Unfortunately, just as the man himself was launching into a great and fascinating speech, I fell victim to the most irresistible of convention lures: swag. Tempted by the prospect of free pens and luggage tags, fellow Campaign Academician Catherine and I traipsed up to the fourth floor of the Austin Convention Center and made our way into Ballroom D. There we found a treasure trove of activist groups, worthy causes, and foam Statue of Liberty crowns-- yours truly walked away with no fewer than nine pins and a bevy of stickers, and currently resembles nothing so much as an ambulatory billboard of democracy.

I couldn't think of a good note to end this post on, but Jen Fomby has advised me to tell you all: "I notice you're pretty gangster. I'm pretty gangster myself."
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