Friday, July 18, 2008

Too Cool for Netroots

It was day two of Netroots Nation for the Campaign Academy-- did anybody else know you had to register for this shindig?! Luckily, my escort off the premises was not a burly security guy (do they even have those at blogger conventions?) but fellow intern Matt Bell, and not before we achieved a quick fifteen minutes of fame: While circling Ballroom D yet again, my ardent political activism as expressed in the sentiment "Ooh, candy!" earned us the attention of a gentleman with Commonweal Institute, who promptly interviewed us for the group's podcast. In a great personal breakthrough, I managed to answer his questions using phrases other than "save me a Junior Mint."

Actually, today was a big one for me in terms of media savvy. Though perhaps not as illustrious as, say, a stint on 60 Minutes, this interview was excellent practice for me in crafting sound bytes and not using words commonly found on the SAT. I even worked in a reference to Bono.*

We've got an exciting day lined up tomorrow, even though that day is Saturday and technically our day off. It's like they say: No rest for the interns.

*I am so pop culture impaired that Bono is the only "cool" reference I know. I try to use it only once when meeting new people, in the hope that I will seem so cool in that moment that I will never have to prove myself again. This tends to fall apart when they discover that I've never heard "Smack That" and don't know what they're talking about when they start in on McDreamy and how cute Jim and Pam are.

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